We eCom Build Brands

Besides our consulting services ONBUUN also focuses on building eCommerce Brands by integrating the 4 V's in all our brands:

  1. VISION -  Vision is what your brand works to achieve, dollars aside. It's impactful, not monetary.
  2. VALUES - Values are important to you and your audience. Your values guide your organization and inform everything you do, and how you do it.
  3. VOICE - Just as people have distinct, recognizable voices, your company also has a voice. Brand voice is how your company comes across when you talk to your audience.
  4. VISUALS - Brand visuals are the visible symbols associated with your organization. Here are three visual parts of a brand identity.

Currently, ONBUUN is involved in building its own eCom brands in the health and apparel niche.

© 2021 ONBUUN International LTD, 
Serghides House, Office 102
61 Archbishop Makarios III Avenue
6017 Larnaca
Fon: +357-24-030566
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